Three Skills Every 21st Century Manager Needs


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Three Skills Every 21st Century Manager Needs

In this modern and diverse world, Managers often have difficulty focusing on their objectives due to the complexity of modern technology. On the website HBR.COM, there was an article that discussed about 3 different skills that every 21st Century Manager Needs. Written by Andy Molinsky, Thomas H. Davenport, Bala Iyer, and Cathy N. Davidson, this article is about what is basically, the title of the article. 

The first skill is according to Molinsky, Code Switching Between Cultures. To work well with foreign colleagues, you may have to risk feeling inauthentic and incompetent. He points out that 3 foreign CEO's from different companies have trouble with coping in with their diverse employees. They are stuck on the mindset of their home countries, which they lack culturally-code switching, which means, the ability to modify behavior in specific situations to accommodate varying cultural norms. It suggests that it is not always easy to do this, because it requires the willingness your psychological challenges that arise when someone tries to transform cultural knowledge into action.
To achieve this, there are 3 steps. Step one is to figure out the challenges that may have, The second step is to change or to adjust your behavior to reduce your distress. Step 3 is to appreciate the value of code-switching.

Now the second skill is, according to Davenport, Wielding Digital Influence. As companies become less hierarchical, the effective use of online networks will be crucial to success. He then points out that managers often have a lot of technology on their hands that they often do not know how to use it well. In order to succeed in the business, there has to be a network of people that specialize on many things that one may consider helpful for the company. There are 3 things to consider when doing a network if people online: Reputation, Specialization, and Network Positioning. 

The last skill that is mentioned in this article, according to Davidson, is to Divide the Attention Deliberately. Instead of battling distraction, embrace your brain's proclivity for it. We all tend to think that modern technology is distraction. It is, however, there are ways to convert that into a helping hand. For example, there are apps that eliminate this effects while there are others that can be useful. There is also the ability to harness the attention by dividing the attention. 
