Workplace Violence

September 11, 2017

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Workplace Violence

In a workplace, at one point, there is going to be a dispute between one person and the other. It could be due to personal issues or it could be that an incident occurred between co-workers. However, sometimes, it can cause injuries or damage in a workplace. One must remember, safety is the number one priority in a workplace. There is a link that will show a video demonstration of what it looks like to witness a workplace violence. 

Video to Workplace Violence

Image result for workplace violence
Fortunately, there are ways to prevent a workplace violence. This you can look online in the OSHA official website, which I will provide the link to the website at the end of this paragraph. However, I will provide several, if not all, ways to prevent workplace violence.  A somewhat better example for what an employer can do is to do a Zero-Tolerance policy for workplace violence. The employer can say that in a workplace it is not accepted to have violence in the job, other there will be consequences. Another example, there can also a program that the company can rely when there is violence occurring that can help to reduce violence in the company. 

Image result for workplace violence

Remember, when there is violence on the job, it is the responsibility of the employer to prevent and to stop the violence and do what is needed to be done in order to prevent other occurrences like these to happen again. 

Remember, safety is the number 1 priority in a workplace!
