Motor Vehicle Operation

                              Image result for osha driving safety

                         Motor Vehicle Operation Safety
If you are an employer that has motor vehicles for their business operation, this post is concerning this. As you may know by reading the last couple of posts in this blog, safety is the Number 1 priority in any job. Driving should not be taken lightly. There are many hazards involving with driving. There are rules and regulations involved with this, however, since its extensive, I will provide you the link at the bottom of this blog to look at this more in depth. However, I will provide some facts to light up the subject. Did you know that every year, employers spend about 25 Billion Dollars a year involving driving accidents? (CDC). Sadly, $671,000 are spent on death involving in a vehicle.

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There are ways to prevent these incidents from happening. Some examples you may find in the how-to drive booklets one may find at the DMV.

  • Use a seat belt while operating a vehicle. No matter if its not their vehicle, make sure employees are using their seat belt every time they use a vehicle. 
  • Do not use drugs before driving. Drivers may be impaired due to the drugs that are in the prescription. 
  • Do not be too tired to drive. Fatigue can make a driver not be aware of their surroundings, which can lead to an accident.
  • A driver should be patient if they are concerned about their own safety, because if the driver is aggressive, it can only mean one thing, it can cause an accident. 
  • TAKE YOUR TIME!!!! One may argue that the faster you get to a destination, the better. In reality, that is not true. Coming back to the workplace unharmed, is a lot better than suffering an accident or even death. Take your time, by going on a steady pace, be courteous to other drivers, avoid busy areas and plan your route. 

                         Image result for osha regulations on driving

Website to OSHA involving driving safety. (

There is a video as well that will provide more information. It is a video on the regulations that are on the OSHA website, however it involves vehicles that are driven off the road.

Remember, safety is not just in the workplace itself, it is also on the driving aspect as well. 
And remember, safety is the number 1 concern in a workplace and its our job to provide safety to all employees and employers. 
